More pictures~!
The Kemayan church that we went to
Believe us, the church population is very small.
The MYFC project sevants, wanling and meiqing
This is the crazy dog that keeps barking at us. And we purposely stand near it (:
And have you seen anyone being DRAGGED literally before?
We sure did(:
Last night in Malaysia, while we were writing in cards for the MYFC people
Galven looks like he's playing to himself
The dog that always sleep outside the church
I will miss you, the stretch of road outside the church! >.<
The children who came for the evangelistic event
Rui Xin, I love your watch! Power Rangers~
Christa emoing with the guitar
During the whole trip, we learnt a lot of things, as a whole and individually as well.
As a group: News spread very fast in Kemayan. Boon Jin went to buy breakfast on one of the days and the aunty asked in mandrin: You guys are the people living in the church one right?
Individually: Galven he learnt to ride a motorbike (local term: motor) in 10 mins. It was pretty cool.
Chun Long how to plan to jump off a motor of a non-christian, who without reason, brings you to his house that is rather far from where we stayed. Believe me, it took him like quite long to go back.